hello tiny house fans! this year has been absolutely amazing and i have really enjoyed seeking out so many unique spaces to show you. with the year now coming to a close i thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to share with you my five favorite living big tiny houses of 2016. first up at number five we have oli and
holly's incredible tiny house on wheels. this is a home filled with quirky, unique features and clever spatial design. the home is light, open and tasteful plus who can forget that epic climbing wall to access the lounge loft? not a bad place to call home. the number-4 spot goes to the magical gypsy vardo wagon of performing artist frency.
this stunning caravan is filled with character as well as art and cherished contributions from her many creative friends. this ultra tiny and super portable home is perfect for this fiery and nomadic spirit. if you're searching for the ultimate futuristic retreat look no further than the skysphere. coming in at number three this space-age
looking man cave was created by jono williams who actually took night classes and welding to be able to put this masterpiece together. the home is almost completely controlled by a smartphone app which controls aspects such as lighting, entertainment and can even keep tabs on the home solar system. (skysphere): "power level at 87 percent, at your
current power consumption you have approximately 132 hours". those fearing the walking dead need not worry. when in need, the home even has a zombie mode to keep you safe! (skysphere) "doors are closing, good luck". we all love shipping container homes but a twenty-foot container is no easy space to transform into a comfortable home.
that's why our number-2 spot goes to the incredible container home of evans, a retired boat builder who's put his years of experience to work in creating this wonderfully welcoming and functional home. most impressively this home was designed to keep the integrity of the container intact, which means even like this it can still be shipped anywhere in
the world. and finally my number one pick for 2016 is the spectacular home of briar hale. built by master craftsman jeff hobbs this tiny house on wheels is completely off the grid and packed full of sustainable, as well as space and weight saving features. the level of craftsmanship that has gone into building this home is truly impressive.
when it comes to design, use of materials as well as ultimate livability i believe this is truly a benchmark home of which all other tiny houses of 2016 can be judged. so there you have it! those were my five favorite tours of 2016 if you would like to let me know which tour was your favorite, please let me know in the comments below. this year has
been absolutely amazing for me but 2017 i have a feeling it's going to be even bigger and better. make sure you stick around as living big in a tiny house will be going international! i've got all of my tours from japan coming up, as well as lots more planned in the new year. so thank you all for sticking around with me. if you haven't
already please make sure you subscribe, if you are a subscriber make sure that you're getting notifications so you know when i have new content out and until i see you in the new year, have a very merry christmas, happy holidays and i will see you all in 2017!