liquid thc vape juice

liquid thc vape juice

hey guys, it's nika here, i'm with dv tv andtoday we're going over essential oils again so i've been feeling under the is that season, it's cold season, everybody's getting those coughs and i've been hackingup ridiculously. everyday at work, and people are like- come on nika, get it i need to vape some breathe. it's one of our essential oil blends. it is 100%organic.essential oils. and this is what we're going to start with today.last week we did vape our energy. i didn't get a chance to show you our packaginglast week, so we just came out with these- it's on our website, check it out davincivaporizer.comthese come with packs of 2 pre-filled oil drop this guy in here. again, not sure

how many of you saw our video last week. butfor such essential oils, you do want to start at a lower temperature. so i'm going to dosomewhere in between 270 to 300. i personally like a little higher coz i like to get a littlevape out of it so i'm going to do 300. takes about 90 seconds for that guy to load andheat up. so i'll go along with our ingredients. alright guys, so breathe contains your rossatti,lemon bong and mullen. so there's things for allergies, colds, flues, air afflictions,that affect the upper respiratory shock- the breathe blend will benefit, which will soothethe throat for better breathing. so for smokers out there, i know there area lot of smokers out there. i am a smoker, trying to quit, however it does involve alot of combustion of course which can be painful

and damaging to the our breathe formula is designed to be smoother and easier for breathing naturally.this guy is ready to go, so i am going to take a hit here. to see how it effects me,coz i am feeling mucus-y and ready to cough every 5 minutes.*vapes* got a little vapor there that i am actuallyable to see, not sure if you guys can see on the camera. however, it does taste reallygood, it's smooth, it is soothing, it's a smooth inhale. overall, just really pleasant.can i breathe better? i feel like i canhonestly, i've been coughing all day long- and it's really quite a relief to have this.i can use those cough syrups but it doesn't

do much for my as far as ingredients go. the first ingredient- rosattay, is something spanish missionarypriests have used to treat coughs, colds, asthma, pneumonia. they actually give it thename holy weed. so that's your rosattay. and unlike many other stranger herbs, it actuallyhas a pleasant taste. lemon bong- that's the second ingredient wegot going on. for thousands of years, herbalists have been using lemon bong to treat any kindof disorder in the central nervous system. strengthening the memory and powerfully chasingaway melancholy. it is another added benefit to this.and the last one, i think this is probably the most important ingredient- is's frequently combined with other herbs

and mixtures for treating coughs. it is alsoanti inflammatory so it's soothing for the membranes. mullen is traditionally used fortreating respiratory conditions including bronchitis, asthma, and coughs. so altogetherit's kind of giving you, touching all those areas that you might have such as far as asthmato being in the flu season .when you are coughing, hacking, you need that relief- that's whati'm using it for. so, i'm going to get a couple more draws.*vapes* again, i am getting a little bit of vaporeven though it's on lower temp. and altogether, i'm starting to feel relief- so i hope youfeel relief from it too. so go ahead and check us out on