hello and welcome it's adam a debatelovely channel wanted to do a video today on classified e liquids the new agers that some that i foundit's called classified the liquids and they are truly trulyvery good classified the liquids i am i'm gonna leave all the link information and stuff likethat at the bottom of the video so you can a you can order this stuff i went aheadand ordered their entire line i when
went ahead and got six bottles above thethirty milliliter bottles and sex milligrams i believe i got yeah and i'mgonna try three on this video show you whatthey're all about my mother gonna do 3 more tests on a second video so we'lldo a video 1 video to for classified i'm really nice my second bottle thesebottles come from classified e liquids hermetically sealed i mean these thingscome in some really beautifully packaged wrapped tightsecure so that tells me right off the bat thatthese are a quality operation classified 'em slammin slam and flavors
really very good if you're a connoisseurand you want to try different the juices you gotta try theseclassified i e jus soli the link at the bottom ofthe video also another another great teachers totry from a is from bennett johnson he jus and youcan find them at ben johnson jus dot com then johnson do stuck up so anyway this is classifies what we're gonna tryright now they sent me a card with their flavor profiles on the back
so we're gonna try this one it's calledcrests which says awaken your senses with this summerremix of tart green apple and luscious watermelon i'm excited to try to shake it up alittle bit already put some in my i'm using anaspire atlanta stack so let's give it a shot definitely get a very tart green appleflavor from classified e liquids delicious and i've got the watermelon onthe accel got a combination on both anyhow andaccess really very nice
great vapor production i like it a lot very nice very faces that scott crisp by classified he liquids really very good stuff the next i'mgonna try is called delights by classified and there you go delight i'm gonna shake it up and put a littlebit on my trip atomizer to a little sense that smells reallygood delight is an classified e liquids old-fashioned cobbler withthe savory fruit filling prepared with
the right peaches and sweet berries crown with the then biscuit topping sounds exciting let's give it a shot put some on my trip missed a couple drops abuja taste good really very good that's delight by classified e-liquid delicious cobbler with the savory fruitfilling really very good no i also
put all my other spire a little bit %uhtheir fusion which is i says relax your mind withthis refreshing taste device black tea blended with fresh blueberry and tropical passionfruit by classified called classified e liquids fusion and it's really very good i'm gonna put some on this some atomizerright now it's actually already on my aspire atlantis so that's going to tryand see what it's all about that's delicious black tea i'm getting a tropical passionfruit in the back
great paper production really very tastystop awesome very good i'm gonna do another videoright now for the other 3 classified he liquids saying get an idea of what whatthey taste like but these are phenomenal order their whole line you'll be glad you did your bb pin likea professional delicious if you like high and theliquids any juices you gotta try classified classified e liquids their phenomenalall the information at the bottom of the
video please subscribe to my channel lake us in join us on our other a verysocial channels in the description box and we'll see you next time have a greatday